Thursday, 5 May 2016 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EST)
Yorkdale Holiday Inn, Toronto
This full-day, interactive course, Ethical Partnering: the Good, The Bad and the Ugly, is based upon a number of successful education programs and seminars researched, designed and presented by David Nitkin, Jane Garthson and Marie-Claude Boudreau across the country, from Moncton to Vancouver. Participants will learn how to develop a state-of-the-art sponsorship policy; how to apply best practice lessons to design and monitor your organization’s partnerships, sponsorships and strategic alliances; and how to identify and negotiate with optimal public and/or private prospective partners.
The presentations and discussions are supplemented by case studies and ideas offered by your fellow participants in order to provide many insights in how to plan and deliver more effective management and oversight of win-win partnerships. Lunch as well as morning and afternoon breaks are included in the course, as well as some pre-read material, and a course binder.
Your Investment: CDN $899 per registrant; CDN $799 if three or more registrants from same organization
Fee includes a detailed course binder, access to case studies, opportunity to discuss your workplace experiences and questions; and breakfast, full buffet lunch, and two health breaks
If there are 5 or more participants from one organization, this course can be relocated and customized by date and content to the client’s facility.
- Learn how to determine and calculate a value and values proposition so that your organization can move beyond mere transaction relationships
- Understand the range of, and differences between, such relationship types as sponsorships, partnerships, strategic alliances, joint ventures and collaborations
- Gain confidence in your understanding of construction of management plans, negotiation and business plans, and opportunity-cost analyses
- Gain a richer perspective on the variety of ways of assessing risk—not only avoidance but also when and where it is appropriate to share, reduce, or accept/embrace risk
- Use case studies to develop appropriate communications strategies to sell prospective alliances inside and outside your organization
- Offer practical ideas about how media and social media partnerships can be used to further your advertising, marketing and promotion objectives
- Enhance awareness of the risks and ethical dilemmas that could arise in developing and implementing relationship initiatives
About Marie-Claude Boudreau
Depuis 2004, Marie-Claude Boudreau a accompli divers mandats en tant que consultante, conférencière et formatrice dans le domaine de l’éthique au travail, tant au gouvernement fédéral que provincial. Depuis 6 ans maintenant, elle se concentre ses activités au Québec. Marie-Claude Boudreau has been a facilitator since 2004 and has worked at the federal government for 6 years. She has worked with various organizations, mainly within the federal and provincial governments in facilitating values and ethics sessions as well as ethical decision-making training for managers and employees.About Jane Garthson
Jane Garthson is President of the Garthson Leadership Centre, dedicated to creating better futures for our communities and organizations through values-based leadership. Jane has been an EthicScan Canada associate on various projects over fifteen years,